Monday, October 26, 2009

good byes are never easy-CMB blog post #6

In Color Me Butterfly, Marlow shares a poignant moment with the reader “Well I guess this is it.”(411)

Treasure is preparing her self and her personal belongings to go off to college. Her mother Lydia is feeling a little melancholy because her daughter is leaving. They enjoy a quiet ride in the car to the college and after Treasure gets settled in it is time for her mother to leave, they exchange a moment of heavy heartedness as they say good bye and Lydia departs. This part of the book touched me deeply as I just took my daughter off to Ohio State University. My daughter and I are very close and it is hard to say goodbye to her and visa versa. Although we all know she will be fine and it will be good for her it is still difficult. I look forward to her coming home, always!

Marlow L.Y. (2007). Color Me Butterfly.
Bowie, Maryland: e’L publishing.


  1. I liked this post because you identified with Lydias feelings as she sent her daughter off to college. The silent ride between Treasure and her Mother says a lot. I think their relationship had not evolved to the point where they could share the insaid thoughts between them. I think though they deeply cfared for one another, they did not know how to express those feelings. I think Lydia realized, this was the last time shed see Treasure as a child. It was now time to let her go so she could embark on her own journey to womanhood.

  2. It is so great that you could really identify here with Lydia as a mother. When watching a child move off into the next phase of their life, it takes a great deal of courage as you realize they are no longer a child. Much of the best writing comes from being passionate about a topic and it really shows that you have an opinion here to share with us.

  3. I understand this situation all too well. i have threee daughters and three different experences of daughters going off to college. The first time was the hardest. I had to release my precious little girl into the uncertain world of college life. Now I have two working on their master while holding down full time jobs and one at Kentuckey Sate University. I thank God that no matter what we went through we kept going forward.
