Friday, October 2, 2009


I feel Deller is a constructed knower. Right from the beginning she shows signs of constructive knowing. On page 56 she "tells Ben only things she wants him to know." This is a good example of contextual truth and inter subjective knowledge. She shows a strong core ability when she defends her mother to Issac by jumping on his back and digging her nails into him. She displays a dynamic change in self when she chooses to forgive Issac, her father and brings him into her home and life. She demonstrates authority when she admits him into a nursing home(pg.288) when she realizes it is too difficult to care for him on her own. I find her dialog to be very straightforward and unwavering. I feel Deller processes qualities of a constructed knower from beginning to end.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good analysis of Deller. You provided references to the text and walked me through your thought process in regards to "Women's Ways of Knowing". Although the book doesn't go into Deller's life in detail, it seems that she was able to escape the cycle of abuse right from the time she met Ben. It would be interesting to compare her to her sister Mattie and discover how it is that they have such different "ways".
