Friday, December 11, 2009

End of a beginning...

As I reflect upon the class and the concept of blogging, I find myself puzzled...Part of me enjoyed the reflection and a part of me found it to be busy work. I enjoyed reading what other people had to say on the various topics, but the writing of my own "feelings" was tedious.
I must say however I really enjoyed meeting the others in the class, what a great bunch of ladies! They made my transition back to school an enjoyable one! I am looking forward to continuing on and hopefully hearing a class with them again. I probably will delete my blog. There are so many other ways to communicate that I will not utilize it, but I am glad I got to experience it and who knows maybe sometime in the future it will come in handy!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I chose to post about the obvious...The holidays! Now I am not a scrooge, I am the opposite for the most part. Love the decorations, especially the lights, love the hustle and bustle of shopping, love getting together with family and friends, love, love eggnog especially "spiced"! But at the same time I find it totally overwhelming! So much to do and so little time! The stress of finding the perfect gift, creating the most beautiful tree, or meal and of course all the $$$ it costs! I am glad it comes but I am also glad when it goes away. Pack it back up in a box till next year and start fresh in the new year!

thesis for essay 2

For this essay I chose to focus on the current change in my identity due to significant events in my life. Without going in to to much detail, spreading my dirty laundry so to speak, my life is being turned upside down and ALL around. These changes are also changing my identity, for the better I might add. So I thought how appropriate for this essay topic to come my way, now and to be able to reflect upon my current situation.

thesis for essay 2

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

speech #2 source

For speech #2 I chose Moondog. I thought his name was cool and was really hoping that it was on the Cleveland Cavalier's mascot, however to my dismay it was not! So I began asking people if anyone knew who Moondog was but to no avail no one did so it was time to hit the library. Again nothing, only a wikipedia entry for him existed at my local library. I approached the librarian behind the desk and asked for help. After sometime he found a book thru Ohio link entitled,
Scotto, Robert. MOONDOG THE VIKING OF 6TH AVENUE The Authorized Biography,Process media,2007.Print. I found the book to be very informative. To check to make sure the book was a credible source I checked out the author, Robert Scotto and found that he not only won best biography in 2008 but also won the 2008 award for excellence in historical recorded sound research. I also learned from researching on Moondogs official webpage that Robert Scotto knew Moondog personally and had several interviews with him throughout his life. Sounded good to me so I began my research.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Crooked River Burning

I must say that it took me longer to start reading this book than our other one. The font is smaller and for my age that can be a problem -LOL. This book is longer and I do not care for long books. But once I began reading it, it began to flow. I like that it is based on cleveland so I find myself "IN" the book. I can place my self within the settings which I find quite"ccol". The writer however gets a little too involved than I like, to much information on the characters and a little wordy. Perhaps as I get further along this will become more interesting and less of a bother.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


This film was very eye opening! It shed a bright light on the current Federal deficit and the extreme situation America is in. It spoke how the debt is increasing at an alarming rate. It stated valid reasons how America is responsible for the debt and how we as Americans can help to reduce it. The movie did an excellent job in painting the real picture and hopefully each individual who views it will take it seriously and begin to help remedy this intense situation we are ALL IN!
My response to the above film is varied. First off I agree with the fact the America is indeed in a horrible financial mess and we as Americans are responsible for a huge part of it, however I feel that the films impact is minimal due to the fact that it is contingent upon the amount of viewers who take the time to watch it. And finally while I appreciate the message of the film I found it irrelevant to what we are studying in class.